Heart Touching Motivational Quotes About Life, Inspirational Quotes Images

Created At: 05/09/2022, 01:28:00

Updated At: 05/09/2022, 01:28:00

Heart Touching Motivational Quotes About Life, Inspirational Quotes Images

The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain...

Stop being afraid of what can go wrong....
Start being excited about what can go right.....

Don't believe in luck....
Luck believe in your hard work...

Smile and no one will be able to see how broken you are from inside.

Someone asked:what is the hardest part of being a girl?
She replied with tear:becoming a guest in her own house after marriage.


Fantastic lines ever

Every girl isn't the same and every guy isn't the same..
Just because you've been hurt by someone doesn't mean you have to punish the whole world...!!!

Everyone gets a chance
to prove himself
to be something ,
just wait for that chance
and catch it..

When u see trouble coming, change direction. It's the direction of ur life that'll determine ur destination.

Love is a cheapest thin in life..you don't need money to buy it...its expressed from people around you when you spread little bit from your side...

"Forget your own unhappiness by creating a little happiness for others, Because When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.
that is life..

don,t change so people will like you..be yourself and the right people will love the real you...

Seeing people change isn't whats hurts... Whats hurts is remembering how they used to be...

Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours.

"Be a reason of happiness;
Not a partner.
Be a partner of sorrow;
Not a reason."

Hope is only Rope that Take You to Your Destination,
so Never leave Hope.

There is somethings that money just cannot buy.... Like morals love Intelligence

3 Things to learn from a CHILD:
To Be Happy For No Reason.,
To Be Always Busy Doing Something.,
To Know How To Demand Small Things Without Ego.!!

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.



"Do Not Pray For Dreams Equal To Your Powers,
Pray For Powers Equal To Your Dreams."

Prayer from the bottom of my heart-
"Kya dua karu mai mere apno k liye
mere khuda..Bas yehi dua hai k mere apne kabhi kisi dua ke mohtaaj na ho..

Fear can only come to those who want to settle rather than sustain.


If you are honest,
Don't need to prove it.
World will accept it automatically.

If you cannot do great things,
Do small things in a great way...

if you ever want to succeed in your life:
"Be sweet as honey, Be regular as clock, Be fresh as rose, Be soft as tissue, and Be strong as rock."


Be thankful for ugly moments because that's when the beautiful people called real friends show up

"The Hardest Thing
In Life Is Pretending
You Don't Need Someone
When You Need Them Most"


who you are and
what you have....
Someone else would love
to be in your position."

Right things are
not possible always..
Possible things are not
right always..
Be true to your heart,
you will never go wrong.!


Engaged Your In Your Favourite Work Then You Will Never Feel Boring.

God Has Made Everyone Equally, If He Can Do Then Why You Can Not.

If The Wishes To Learn Comes From Your Soul, Then You Can Not Feel Good Until You Learnt That Thing.

If we Learn to keep our mind at a boring place,
then interesting place is just a game.

If What You Are Doing Now Will Get You Closer To Your Goal, Then You Are Right.

If you are looking for a person who will change your life,
then look in the mirror. You Will Get That Person.

If You Have More Than Necessary,
Then Learn To Share It With Needy People.


If You Meet Up With Bad People Then Ignore Their Words But If You Meet Up With Bad Words Then Ignore That People.

If You Stop Thinking What Others Will Think If You Do This Then You Definitely Succeed In Any Work You Want.

If you want to become successful in your life then only about successful person not about failure.

It Is Your Politeness Not Your Appearence Due To Which People Likes You.

Never Felt Guilty, Feel Confidence To Improve Yourself.

Nor Bring a Lamp In Your Hands.Don't Bring Roses To My Grave.I Am Thirsty, I Have Known For Years
Bring a Bottle Of Bear And a Glass.

We Can Only Achieve Our Dream When We Think Bigger Than Our Dream.

We Should Not Always Believe On What We Are Seeing Because It May Be what We Are Seeing Is Actually Not Exist.

Whether the floor is found or not, it is a matter of luck, But If we not even try, it is a wrong thing.

You have to be powerful, not because you can suppress someone,
you have to become powerful because no one can suppress you.

You have to lift from your own eyes, the person who has risen from his own eyes will automatically rise from the eyes of the world.

You Will Feel Bad To Do Any New Work Until You Not Try It.

Inspirational Heart Touching Quotes That Will Touch Your Soul

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”


“I am grateful for every precious moment life offers me. It allows me to see the miracle in each experience.”

“If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present. Gratefully.”


“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”